
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Another Sarah! update

John Thune (R- echo chamber) is sharing with Brokaw right now that America will really get a sense of Sarah Palin when she gives her speech tonight.

Really? Even though the speech was written for Romney?
Not anticipating that McCain would choose a woman as his running mate, the speech that was prepared in advance was "very masculine," according to campaign manager Rick Davis, and "we had to start from scratch."

On the other hand, every now and again they get caught on an open mic:
Hear that "moderates"? Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy think Palin's a cynical, unqualified, image pick.

Noonan would like to make clear (go to WSJ, I don't have the link) that when she called Palin's nomination "bullshit politics", she was merely hurting for dear Kay Baily Hutchison. Also note: Noonan is a water-carrying wanker.

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