
Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday morning

From the comments:
The only person I dislike more than the Stricklands is Gallegly. I have seriously thought about standing on a corner during the next election with a sign that says, "Anybody but Elton."

I'd put Elton's stupid/evil rating at 60/40, and his static/signal at 50/50.

I'd give Tony strickland a higher evil rate, and a higher static rate.

Gallegly is, in my mind, a remnant from Pete Wilson's California, when state GOP strength was built almost entirely on scapegoating and resentment. If you visit his website and check his "issues" page, you'll see three items: illegal immigration, terrorism, and crime. Nothing about health care, education, economy, etc. I think he's probably pretty honestly presenting the items that matter to him. That still has resonance with a sadly sizable chunk of Californians, but I'm not sure Gallegly weilds much power. He's another vote for Bush in the house, but he's not a big effective battering ram.

Strickland is building a network of influence in the state. He and Audra and their supporters have taken over the local GOP, disaffecting moderate republicans and building the strenght of the crazies. They actively support the taking over of school boards and the county board of education by religious anti-teacher wingnuts. They shift power structures. I don't know that Elton Gallegly has been doing much of that.

So the Stricklands freak me out, and they always have.

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