
Saturday, July 12, 2008


One would hope that a country such as ours would be disillusioned enough with the administration's lust for war in middle east. One would hope, but this remains to be seen.

Over the past few months, the saber rattling has gotten steadily louder, more intense. A letter writer to the Star asked earlier this week:
With the outrageous actions by Iran, such as launching missiles and its president announcing Iran will annihilate the U.S. soon, does it not seem it's trying to provoke an attack from us?

What other reason could it possibly have for encouraging superior forces to attack unless it wants to use a nuclear weapon it has developed in secret or purchased from North Korea against our troops? Or perhaps use new silent submarines to sink our aircraft carriers and kill several thousand of our servicemen?

Why would Iran test missiles right now? Hmm. I dunno. Maybe because our president and his surrogates and one presidential candidate keep insisting that bombing Iran would be a really great idea?
WASHINGTON— Condoleezza Rice flexed America's muscles in the Middle East on Thursday, forcefully warning Iran the U.S. won't ignore threats and will take any action necessary to defend friends and interests in the Persian Gulf.


And that's just a lazy one-site one-minute search.

And McCain is a harbinger, as should be clear to anyone with ears. Conason writes:
Obviously the war lobby within the Republican Party and the Bush White House has lost neither influence nor determination, no matter how wrong its predictions nor how disastrous its policies have proved to be. When John McCain jokes that exporting cigarettes to Iran might be a "way of killing them," he isn't really kidding. Like his warbling of "Bomb bomb Iran" last year, that moronic remark represented a profound judgment that war is the only way to achieve American objectives in the Gulf region.

None of this is about security, none of this is about "our FREEDOMS". It is all about control. It is all about playground bullies who want to own the swing set, and lack the imagination (or humanity) to figure out a way to talk their way in.

Anyway. Can't hurt to get organized right now. Armchair activists can go to The Friends Committee on National Legislation and start sending letters, getting connected.

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